Facebook drops facial recognition

FACEBOOK ON TUESDAY said it would stop using facial recognition technology to identify people in photos and videos and delete accompanying data on more than 1 billion people.

The news marks the end of one of the largest known facial recognition systems. Outside of face unlock for smartphones and applications in airports, Facebook`s auto tag is perhaps the most common form of facial recognition technology people encounter.

In a blog post, Facebook VP of artificial intelligence Jerome Pesenti said the decision reflected a “need to weigh the positive use cases for facial recognition against growing societal concerns. ” Facebook has used a facial recognition system to automatically detect people in photos, videos, and Memories since 2010, drawing criticism from privacy advocates and incurring hundreds and millions of dollars in fines from government regulators.

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A Facebook spokesperson said that billions of photos tagged with the assistance of facial recognition over the past decade will keep those labels. Notes and signals about a person's social environment, taken from photos and videos using facial recognition, may also be retained. Facial recognition embodies privacy and human rights concerns, resulting in a ban on the use of technology in more than 12 major cities in the United States. At the request of law enforcement agencies for facial recognition, several illegal arrests have occurred in the United States, helping to establish a surveillance state to control the Islamic minority in China.

This decision was made after several weeks of scrutiny after Facebook leaked thousands of internal documents and exposed a modest gap. We also renamed it with a meta name, following Facebook's move last week. The end of facial recognition for photo tags does not mean that the company will stop using facial recognition altogether. Facebook will continue to use this technology to allow users to access locked accounts and verify their identities to complete transactions. Facebook erases data from over a billion faces, but DeepFace continues to train AI models with that data. Today, about one in three Facebook users use a service that encourages them to tag their photos.

In addition to removing the automatic photo tag, Facebook has stopped using facial recognition to identify people by name in a small portion of photos taken by the visually impaired or visually impaired. I did. Facebook is the latest big tech company that has set aside the use of facial recognition. IBM stopped facial recognition for customers last year. Amazon and Microsoft have stopped selling facial recognition services after the murder of George Floyd due to a lack of regulatory action.

For the first time, researchers, including Joy Buolamwini, Deb Raji, and Timnit Gebru, have documented that facial recognition systems do not work very accurately in dark-skinned women. These findings were subsequently confirmed by analysis by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. The analysis also found that this technology often misidentifies Asians and young people. Raji, who has addressed the political and ethical issues of organizations such as AI Now, Google and the Algorithmic Justice League, said Facebook's move is important as DeepFace has played a remarkable role in the history of computer vision.

The deep learning model was created in 2014 using 4 million images of 4,000 people, the largest dataset of human faces to date. DeepFace was the first AI model to achieve human-level performance with face recognition, commercializing technology to improve performance and causing a tendency to accumulate face data.

Unemployed in the Great Depression, a collage of images of people hanging out today, cuts with "Resignation", "Flux", "Reshuffle" IDEAS "Great Depression" is the point Missing KATHRYN HYMES Raj said it's always good for businesses to take public action to signal that technology is dangerous, but people take voluntary action from companies. Warned that we should rely on to protect. Whether Facebook's decision to limit facial recognition makes a bigger difference depends on the policymaker. "This is a turning point or important moment when policymakers actually get some legislation through Congress and engage in facial recognition discussions seriously enough to confront and engage. Probably, "she says.

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