Hacking refers to activities that seek to compromise digital devices, such as computers, smartphones, tablets, and even entire networks. And while hacking might not always be for malicious purposes, nowadays most references to hacking, and hackers, characterize it/them as unlawful activity by cybercriminals motivated by financial gain, protest, information gathering (spying), and even just for fun.

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An attacker can use the bait-and-switch method to purchase advertising space for a website. Later, when a user clicks on the ad, they may be redirected to a page infected with malware. That way, they can continue to install malware and adware on your computer. The ads and download links displayed in this are very attractive. Hackers can run malicious programs that users believe are genuine. In this way, after a malicious program is installed on your computer, a hacker gains unauthorized access to your computer.

Cookie Theft

Browser cookies store personal information such as your browsing history, usernames and passwords for the various websites you visit. You can also authenticate yourself as you in your browser as soon as a hacker accesses your cookie. A common way to carry out this attack is to manipulate the user's IP packet to allow it to pass through the attacker's computer.

This attack, also known as sidejacking or session hijacking, is easy to perform if the user does not use SSL (HTTPS) for the entire session. For websites that enter passwords and banking information, it is very important that those connections are encrypted.


Phishing is a hacking technique used by hackers to duplicate the most visited websites and send their fake links to trap victims. Combined with social engineering, it is one of the most widely used deadly attack vectors.

When a victim attempts to log in or enter data, a hacker uses a Trojan horse running on a fake site to retrieve the victim's personal information. Phishing through iCloud and Gmail accounts was the route of attacks by hackers targeting "fapping" leaks involving a large number of female Hollywood stars.

Denial of Service(DoS/DDoS)

A denial of service attack is a hacking technique that floods a site or server with heavy traffic, shuts down the site or server, and the server cannot handle all requests in real-time, eventually crashing. In this common technique, an attacker floods a large number of requests to the target computer to flood the resource. This limits the execution of the actual request.

For DDoS attacks, hackers often use botnets or zombie computers with only one task. In other words, it floods the system with request packages. Over the years, the types of malware and hackers continue to evolve and the scale of DDoS attacks continues to grow.


Keyloggers are software that records key sequences and strokes of your keyboard into a log file on your computer. These log files can also contain your personal email ID and password. Also known as keyboard capture. The keylogger is one of the main reasons online banking sites offer the option to use virtual keyboards. Therefore, be especially careful when running your computer in a public environment.

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